The Supro Statesman is available in a 1×12 combo format or as a compact head, covered in black rhino hide tolex and sized to sit perfectly atop the 1×12 and 1×15 Black Magick speaker cabinets, as well as the new, 2×12 Statesman speaker cabinet. A sütik olyan apró fájlok, amelyek különféle célokból tárolódnak el azon az eszközön, amelyrl belépett honlapunkra. 3 év jótállás és a legjobb szolgáltatások. Minden raktáron az e-shopban és az üzletekben. The Statesman comes loaded with military-grade Sovtek power tubes that are precision-matched at the Supro factory in Port Jefferson, NY. Nyisson SUPRO 1688RT Jupiter a legnagyobb hangszer értékesítnél. The Class AB (grid bias) configuration presents less compression along with additional headroom, more punch and faster attack. The Class-A (cathode bias) setting provides the distinctive midrange growl that has been the cornerstone of the Supro sound since the company was founded in 1935. The 50-watt power amp in the Statesman is switchable between Class A and Class AB operation. As a final touch, both the effects loop and the reverb on the Statesman feature a relay-controlled “spill-over” effect, allowing reverb and delay trails to decay naturally when switching between channels. The effects loop can also act as a master volume for the blue channel when bedroom levels are desired. Na naem webu si vyberou dospláci, kluci, hoky, profíci i zaáteníci nejen prkna, ale i stylové. The variable send and return levels allow the effects loop to function as a level and/or gain boost when engaged, even when nothing is plugged into the loop. SUPRO je znaka vysocke kvalitních nafukovacích padldleboard.

In addition to the tube-driven spring reverb, the Statesman’s blue channel contains an all-tube, switchable effects loop that provides a set of useful functions-including “wet only” reverb effects, which can be independently dialed in and blended with the dry sound from the red channel. The Statesman provides A/B/Both channel switching operation, allowing the two channels to be run in parallel, creating a massive, dual-preamp sound where each channel contributes part of the overall texture. The Statesman’s blue channel contains the high-gain preamp, 2-band EQ and all-tube reverb section of our acclaimed Comet model.

The red channel found in the Statesman uses the two-knob preamp from the legendary Supro Thunderbolt amplifier for high-headroom rock & roll power. Touch device users can explore by touch or with. The 1699R Statesman is a two-channel, 50W amplifier that unites vintage Supro tone with modern channel switching functionality, tube-driven reverb and a multi-purpose, all-tube effects loop. When the auto-complete results are available, use the up and down arrows to review and Enter to select. Offered as a head, 2X speaker cab, or combo. Saw this new listing on the SUPRO website.